The next step for the Get Another Label was to get it ready to work in more practical settings. The GAL toolkit, assumed that we have all the labels assigned by the workers, we process them, and get the results. In reality, though, most tasks run in an incremental mode. The task is running over time, new data arrive, new workers arrive, and the "load-analyze-output" process was not a good fit. We wanted to have something that gives back estimates of worker quality on the fly, and again on-the-fly identifies the data points that need most attention.
Towards this goal, over the last few months we have been porting the GAL code into a web service, called Project Troia. You can load the data as the crowdsourced project runs and get back the results immediately. This allows for very fast estimation of worker quality, and also allows the quick identification of data points that either meet the target quality, or require additional labeling effort.
- Supports labeling with any number of discrete categories, not just binary.
- Supports labeling with continuous variables.
- Allows the specification of arbitrary misclassification costs (e.g., "marking spam as legitimate has cost 1, marking legitimate content as spam has cost 5").
- Allows for seamless mixing of gold labels and redundant labels for quality control.
- Estimates the quality of the workers that participate in the task and returns the estimates on-the-fly.
- Estimates the quality of the data that are returned back by the algorithm and returns the estimate of labeling accuracy on-the-fly.
- Estimates a quality-sensitive payment for every worker, based on the quality of the work done so far.
If you are interested in the description of the methods implemented in the toolkit, please take a look at the paper "Quality-based Pricing for Crowdsourced Workers". Our experiments indicate that when labeling allocation happens following the suggestions of Project Troia, we achieve the target data quality with almost optimal budget, and workers are fairly compensated for their effort. (For details, see the paper :-)
Special thanks to Tagasauris, oDesk, and Google for providing support for developing the software. Needless to say, the API is free to use, and the source code is available on Github. We hope that you will find it useful.